There are some researches show that nearly 90% of the namecard are disposed within a week and it has not been used for any purpose. And these 90% name cards wasted hundred of millions of tree yearly. In Fact, nearly half of the harvested wood is used to produce paper. Deforestation brings climate changes and also habitat destruction. Also, air pollution and water pollution are along with the production of paper. “What can we do?”
You have to start somwehere. Saving a small paper name card may change little to the world, but it is a good start to have a green life here.
Paper Namecard? Think about it.

September 6, 2018 - 9:08 amTotally agree. To me, name card is outdated. I recently don’t print namecard anymore.
September 6, 2018 - 9:13 amWe should develop more green tech to protect out planet.